Édafos™ Biomedical & TCM Details

Digestive Relief | Edafos™ contains herbs that improve digestive function, protect digestive organs, and relieve spasm and pain. Many herbs have positive impacts on metabolism as well as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial functions. 

Several clinic trials have shown the effectiveness of ginger for nausea and vomiting, with 14 clinical trials showing significant improvement in nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. (1) Seven trails showed that ginger enhances digestion by improving gastric emptying and regulating peristalsis. (1) Many herbs have effects on gastric ulcers and antimicrobial activity against H. pylori (a known cause of stomach ulcers). Corydalis had a strong inhibitory effect on ulcers, whether caused by H. pylori infection or stress in one study. (2) Cardamom and cinnamon also have clinical applications for gastritis and H.pylori infection. (3, 4, 5) In animal studies, Aucklandiae showed several beneficial effects on the GI tract including decreasing inflammation, protection of mucus-secreting cells, healing gastric lesions and improving GI motility. (6, 7, 8) Pueraria has also shown promising H.pylori inhibitory activity. (9) 

Tangerine peel, crampbark, hawthorn, cardamom, cinnamon, Pueraria, skullcap, and corydalis have all exhibited gastro-protective properties. (2, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) The liver (in addition to the stomach and intestines) is an important organ of digestion. It is involved in the regulation of blood sugar and lipids and detoxification of drugs, alcohol, and other toxins. Digestive Relief contains herbs that have liver-protective effects in studies, including tangerine peel, skullcap, white peony, Pueraria, and Atractylodes. (10, 16, 17, 18, 19). Pueraria has been shown in many studies to be protective of the liver, decrease markers of liver damage (AST/ALT), and reverse signs of liver fibrosis.(9)

Several herbs in Digestive Relief have widely known pain-relieving and anti-spasmodic properties. Aspirin is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world and is derived from white willow bark. A recent meta analysis of random controlled trials totaling 329 patients with arthritis showed a significant effect on pain reduction using willow bark. (20) Corydalis is widely used in China to treat spastic pain, abdominal pain and pain due to injury. Studies have shown that it acts on GABA or opiod receptors to relieve pain, without risk of tolerance (it has not been shown to be addictive). A clinical trial of corydalis extract resulted in a significant decrease in pain intensity and pain scores for mild and moderate pain. (2) In addition to being known as a pain killer, corydalis has many beneficial effects on the digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. (2) Ginger improved menstrual cramps in seven clinical studies, and eight other studies of arthritis patients showed a reduction in inflammation and pain with ginger use. (1) Pueraria has exhibited fever reducing, pain killing and muscle relaxing properties in some studies. (9) Eighty-five patients with intestinal spasms and cramps showed remission of symptoms with taking a formula of white peony root, cinnamon and other herbs. (21) Aucklandieae showed significant anti-inflammatory effects in the intestine and improved gastric ulcer healing in animal studies (6, 22). White peony root has reported sedative and analgesic functions and has been shown to inhibit intestinal smooth muscles contraction and gastric acid secretion in mice. (23) Crampbark, tangerine peel, and magnolia bark have also been shown to have relaxant and antispasmodic effects. (21, 24, 25)

Several of the herbs in Digestive Relief have positive effects on metabolism, including improvement of blood sugar and blood lipid levels. One clinical review suggested cinnamon can improve glycemic control in those with type 2 diabetes; with some studies reporting reductions in fasting blood glucose and decreases in HbA1c (26). Clinical studies of ginger have shown it to have positive impact on fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, insulin sensitivity and resistance. It also has been shown to positively impact body weight and cholesterol levels. (1) Atractylodes significantly reduces fasting blood glucose and serum insulin in some studies (27). Hawthorn fruit lowered blood sugar and exhibited anti-obesity effects in many animal studies (28) Significant improvements in blood sugar control have been observed with use of cardamom and cinnamon. (5, 29) Crampbark and hawthorn fruit studies have reported anti-diabetic activities, benefits to blood lipids, and overall digestion. (28, 30) Many of these effects seem to be related to interactions with digestive enzymes. Crampbark appears to interfere with many processes of adipogenesis (formation of fat tissue). (30) 

Hawthorn fruit has been approved by the Chinese Drug and Food Administration for the treatment of hyperlipidemia (28) and is the most popular TCM treatment available for high cholesterol. Some evidence indicates that it can also prevents heart failure and hypertension (28). Pueraria and magnolia bark lower triglycerides and have anti-diabetic activities. (9, 25). Atractylodes decreased body weight gain, serum lipid and insulin levels and improved glucose tolerance in animal studies (27). Tangerine peel also reduced body weight, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels (31).

Most herbs in Digestive Relief exhibit anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activities. Crampbark and magnolia bark have broad antimicrobial functions against many different types of bacteria and Candida (25, 30) and corydalis has significant activity against a wide variety of bacteria, as well as viruses, and parasites (2). Pueraria, crampbark, ginger, corydalis, and magnolia bark tree have known anti-inflammatory activity. (1, 9, 25, 30)

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine view:

Chen Pi (Tangerine Peel, Citri reticulatae)is warm and enters the LU, SP and ST channels; regulates Qi, adjusts the Middle relieves the diaphragm, dries Damp, transforms Phlegm, descends Qi.

Bai Shao (White Peony Root, Paeoniae alba)is cool and enters the LIV and SP channels; nourishes the Blood, regulates the menses, astringes Yin and adjusts Ying and Wei, Calms Liver Yang, Liver Wind, softens the liver and alleviates pain.

Crampbark (Viburnum opulus)is not included in the Chinese Materia Medica; however its TCM functions are described as: tonifies Liver Blood, invigorates the Blood, and reducing spasms and abdominal pain.

Shan Zha (Hawthorn Fruit, Crataegus pinnatifida)is slightly warm and enters the LIV, SP and ST channels; reduces and guides out Food Stagnation, transforms accumulations and blood stasis, invigorates the Blood, dissipates clumps, and stops diarrhea.

Sha Ren (Black Cardamom, Villous amomum)is warm and aromatic and enters the SP and ST channels; promotes the movement of Qi, aromatically transforms Damp, strengthens the Spleen, warms the Middle and stops diarrhea, and calms the fetus.

Ge Gen (Kudzu Root, Puerariae lobatae)is cool and enters the SP and ST channels; discharges exterior conditions, releases muscles especially of the neck and back, relieves Heat, generates Fluids, raises Spleen Yang and stops diarrhea.

Hou Po (Magnolia Bark, Magnoliae officinalis)is warm and enters the LI, LU, SP, and ST channels; moves Qi in the middle and relieves food stagnation, promotes movement of Qi downward, dries damp, transforms phlegm, descends rebellious Qi, reduces phlegm and calms wheezing.

Skullcap Leaf (Scutellaria lateriflora)is cold, enters the LU, ST, GB, and LI channels, clears Heat and dries Damp, drains Fire and detoxifies cools the Blood and stops bleeding, clears Heat, calms the fetus, and calms ascending Liver Yang.

Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes Root, Atractylodes macrocephalae)is warm and enters the SP and ST channels; tonifies the Spleen and augments Qi, dries Damp and promotes water metabolism, stabilizes the Exterior, stops sweating, and calms the fetus.

Mu Xiang (Costus Root, Auclandiae lappe)is warm and enters the GB, LI, SP, ST, and SJ channels; promotes the movement of Qi and alleviates pain, regulates stagnant Qi in the intestines, strengthens the Spleen, prevents stagnation, dispels Damp-Heat, and harmonizes the Liver and Spleen.

Chai Hu (Thorowax Root, Bupleurum chinesis)is cool and enters the GB, LIV, and PC channels; relieves Shao Yang disorders, reduces fever, spreads Liver Qi, relieves stagnation, raises Yang Qi, disperses Wind-Heat and resolves phlegm.

Gan Jiang (Dried Ginger Root, Zingiberis officinalis)is hot and enters the HT, LU, SP, and ST channels; warms the Middle, expels Cold, dispels Wing-Damp in the Lower Jiao, rescues devastated Yang, expels interior Cold, warms the Lung, transforms mucus, warms the channels and stops bleeding.

Gui Zhi (Cinnamon Twig, Ramulus cinnamomi)is warm and enters the HT, LU, and BL channels; releases the Exterior, assists Yang, adjusts Ying and Wei, releases muscle layer, warms channels and collaterals to relieve pain, unblocks Yang, transforms Qi, thins mucus, assists Heart Yang and warms and facilitates Yang Qi in the chest, warms and facilitates Qi flow in the channels and collaterals and Blood through the vessels, and warms the Middle and directs turbid Yin downward.


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